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motor perkins

17 May 12 - 10:27

El motor diésel es un motor térmico de combustión interna alternativo en el cual el encendido del combustible se logra por la temperatura elevada que produce la compresión del aire en el interior del cilindro, según el principio del ciclo del diésel. También llamado motor de combustión interna, a diferencia del motor de explosión interna comúnmente conocido como motor de gasolina

The diesel engine is an internal combustion heat engine alternative in which the ignition of the fuel is achieved by the high temperature produced by the compression of air within the cylinder, according to the principle of the diesel cycle. Also called the internal combustion engine, unlike the internal combustion engine commonly known as gasoline engineThe diesel engine is an internal combustion heat engine alternative in which the ignition of the fuel is achieved by the high temperature produced by the compression of air within the cylinder, according to the principle of the diesel cycle. Also called the internal combustion engine, unlike the internal combustion engine commonly known as gasoline engine

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