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motor electrico volvo penta

17 May 12 - 10:23

1.Motores diesel:

Los motores diesel utilizan como combustible A.C.P.M (aceite combustible para motores), motores diesel son utilizados especialmente en vehículos utilitarios es decir vehículos para servicios en los cuales ejercen gran fuerza, por ejemplo, camiones, buses, busetas, etc. Los motores diesel son de cuatro tiempos:

a. Admisión

en este tiempo lo que hace el motor es dejar pasar aire a la cámara y el cilindro y posteriormente se cierra la válvula, durante este tiempo el pistón va descendiendo a medida que va entrando el aire a el cilindro.

  • compresión:

Durante este tiempo el pistón va ascendiendo para comprimir el aire depositado en el cilindro lo cual origina que el aire al encontrarse comprimido enseguida se eleve a altas --temperaturas.

c. combustión:

Al encontrarse el aire comprimido (caliente) los inyectores dejan pasar un poco de combustible (A.C.P.M) a la cámara donde inmediatamente esta mezcla se prende y hace que el pistón descienda bruscamente y el cilindro quede cubierto por C02, motivo por el cual este gas debe liberarse.

d. expulsión:

Durante este tiempo la válvula de escape se abre e inmediatamente el pistón sube y se libera el gas resultante de la combustión, después de esto la válvula se cierra y el ciclo vuelve a comenzar.

2.Motores a gasolina:

Los motores a gasolina como su nombre lo indica utilizan como combustible gasolina que es un derivado del petróleo además existen dos diferentes tipos de gasolina: la gasolina extra y la gasolina corriente (75 a 86 octanos), que se diferencian por el número de octanaje que contienen, la gasolina extra contiene mayor número de octanaje que la corriente por lo cual es de mejor calidad, los octanos en la gasolina sirven para comprimir más la gasolina sin explotarse a mayor número de octanos más compresión. Los motores a gasolina actualmente son los más usados además existen de dos y de cuatro tiempos, los de dos tiempos como los utilizados en motos y los de cuatro tiempos como los de los automóviles.

  • motores de cuatro tiempos: estos motores lo utilizan los automóviles en su gran mayoría y algunos vehículos de carga por lo general, los tiempos de este tipo de motor son:

  • Admisión:

en este tiempo lo que hace el motor es dejar pasar la mezcla aire-gasolina a la cámara y el cilindro, posteriormente se cierra la válvula, durante este tiempo el pistón va descendiendo a medida que va entrando la mezcla a el cilindro.

  • compresión:

Durante este tiempo el pistón va ascendiendo para comprimir la mezcla aire-gasolina depositado en el cilindro lo cual origina que esta mezcla al encontrarse comprimido enseguida se eleve a altas temperaturas, en este tiempo encontramos la relación 1- 10 de los motores diez partes del cilindro reducidas a una de compresión.

  • combustión:

Al encontrarse la mezcla comprimido (caliente) la bujía generan una chispa (sistema de encendido) la cual hace que inmediatamente esta mezcla se prenda, es decir que haga combustión y hace que el pistón descienda bruscamente .

  • expulsión:

Durante este tiempo la válvula de escape se abre e inmediatamente el pistón sube y se libera el gas resultante de la combustión, después de esto la válvula se cierra y el ciclo vuelve a comenzar.

  • motores de dos tiempos: estos motores son utilizados en su gran mayoría por motos y su diferencia es que la mezcla es de aire, gasolina y aceite, los tiempos de estos motores son:

  • Combustión

  • Escape

3. Motores de otro tipo de combustible

  • motores a gas: estos motores después de los motores diesel y gasolina son unos de los más utilizados, actualmente están siendo bastante utilizados a causa de los altos costos de los otros combustibles. Los motores a gas contienen el mismo sistema que un motor a gasolina pero la explosión se genera con más fuerza y además la potencia disminuye un poco, otra diferencia es que las válvulas son construidas en sodio.

  • motores de alcohol: en Colombia son muy poco utilizados por lo cual se carece de información, pero se dice que el alcohol funciona como la gasolina es decir que es un remplazo y también se busca por la economía.

  • Motores eléctricos: son utilizados con baterías recargables es decir que viene muy similar su sistema a el de un carro eléctrico para niños de juguete, con una batería recargable y su motor eléctrico.

  • Motores de combustión externa:

Estos motores actualmente son muy poco utilizados, pues requieren de trabajo manual prácticamente. Estos motores fueron utilizados a principio de siglo principalmente en barcos y locomotoras, su combustión se realizaba en unas cámaras con una especie de puerta por la cual arrojaban carbón para que viviera constantemente el fuego prendido durante su recorrido.


  • Motores en línea:

Los motores en línea son los que sus cilindros se encuentran ubicados uno detrás del otro, entre estos motores encontramos por ejemplo: el motor de R- 12,R- 9, etc.

  • Motores en “v”:

Los motores en “v” son en los que el bloque esta formado por dos diagonales en forma de “v” , entre estos motores encontramos por ejemplo: Chevrolet c- 10, c- 30, b-60, etc.

  • Motores horizontales :

Los motores horizontales son los que sus cilindros se encuentran ubicados horizontalmente como su nombre lo indica a 180°, entre estos motores encontramos por ejemplo: wolks vagen escarabajo.

  • Motores radiales:

Los motores radiales so n los que la posición de sus cilindros forma una estrella, estos motores únicamente los contienen

1.Motores diesel:
The diesel fuel used as diesel fuel (oil motor fuel), diesel engines are used especially in commercial vehicles ie vehicles for services which exert great force, for example, trucks, buses, vans, etc.. Diesel engines are four times:
a. Admission
at this time what the engine is to pass air to the chamber and the cylinder and then close the valve, during which time the piston moves down as the air is entering the cylinder.
During this time the piston goes up to compress the air placed in the cylinder which causes the air to be compressed immediately rises to high - temperature.
c. combustion:
When meeting the compressed air (hot) injectors let in some fuel (diesel fuel) into the chamber where the mixture immediately turns on and causes the piston down abruptly and the cylinder is covered by C02, which is why the gas should free.
d. expulsion:
During this time the exhaust valve opens and immediately the piston rises and releasing the gas resulting from combustion, after which the valve closes and the cycle begins again.
2.Motores gasoline:
Gasoline engines as its name indicates gasoline used as fuel is a petroleum well there are two different types of gasoline: the extra gas and regular gasoline (75 to 86 octane), which differ by the number of octane contain extra gasoline octane contains more than the current so it is of better quality, the octane in gasoline used to further compress the gas untapped at higher octane number more compression. Gasoline engines are currently the most widely used there are also two and four times, two times as those used in motorcycles and four times as cars.
four-stroke engines: these engines is used by automobile mostly load and some vehicles usually times this type of engine are:
at this time what the engine is to miss the air-fuel mixture to the chamber and the cylinder valve is then closed, during which time the piston moves down as you enter the mixture to the cylinder.
During this time the piston goes up to compress the air-fuel mixture deposited in the cylinder which causes this mixture to be compressed immediately rises to high temperatures, at this time are the ratio 1 to 10 tenths engine cylinder reduced to a compression.
When meeting the compressed mixture (hot) generate a spark plug (ignition system) which makes this mixture was immediately garment, ie, combustion, and then causes the piston drops abruptly.
During this time the exhaust valve opens and immediately the piston rises and releasing the gas resulting from combustion, after which the valve closes and the cycle begins again.
two-stroke engines: These engines are used mostly by motorbikes and their difference is that the mixture is air, gas and oil, the times of these engines are:
3. Other motor fuel
gas engines: these engines after gasoline and diesel engines are among the most widely used, currently being used enough
because of the high costs of other fuels.
Gas engines contain the same system as a gasoline engine but the explosion is generated with more strength and power also decreases slightly, another difference is that the valves are constructed in sodium.
alcohol engines: in Colombia are very little used by which information is lacking, but it is said that alcohol acts as gasoline is to say that is a replacement and also looks for the economy.
Electric motors are used with rechargeable batteries is that your system is very similar to that of an electric car toy for children, with a rechargeable battery and electric motor.
External combustion engines:
These engines are now very little used, requiring manual work practically. These engines were used at the beginning of the century mainly on ships and locomotives, combustion was performed in a chamber with a kind of door which threw live coal to the
fire burning constantly during his tour.

Inline engines:
In-line engines are those that its cylinders are located one behind the other, between these motors are for example: the engine of R-12, R-9, etc..
Engines with "v":
Motors in "v" are those in which the block is formed by two diagonals "v" between these motors are for example: Chevrolet c-10, c-30, b-60, etc..
Horizontal engines:
Horizontal motors are their cylinders are located horizontally as the name implies to 180 ° between these engines are for example: wolks Vagen beetle.
Radial engines:
No radial engines so that the position of its cylinder form a star, these engines contain only1.Motores diesel:
The diesel fuel used as diesel fuel (oil motor fuel), diesel engines are used especially in commercial vehicles ie vehicles for services which exert great force, for example, trucks, buses, vans, etc.. Diesel engines are four times:
a. Admission
at this time what the engine is to pass air to the chamber and the cylinder and then close the valve, during which time the piston moves down as the air is entering the cylinder.
During this time the piston goes up to compress the air placed in the cylinder which causes the air to be compressed immediately rises to high - temperature.
c. combustion:
When meeting the compressed air (hot) injectors let in some fuel (diesel fuel) into the chamber where the mixture immediately turns on and causes the piston down abruptly and the cylinder is covered by C02, which is why the gas should free.
d. expulsion:
During this time the exhaust valve opens and immediately the piston rises and releasing the gas resulting from combustion, after which the valve closes and the cycle begins again.
2.Motores gasoline:
Gasoline engines as its name indicates gasoline used as fuel is a petroleum well there are two different types of gasoline: the extra gas and regular gasoline (75 to 86 octane), which differ by the number of octane contain extra gasoline octane contains more than the current so it is of better quality, the octane in gasoline used to further compress the gas untapped at higher octane number more compression. Gasoline engines are currently the most widely used there are also two and four times, two times as those used in motorcycles and four times as cars.
four-stroke engines: these engines is used by automobile mostly load and some vehicles usually times this type of engine are:
at this time what the engine is to miss the air-fuel mixture to the chamber and the cylinder valve is then closed, during which time the piston moves down as you enter the mixture to the cylinder.
During this time the piston goes up to compress the air-fuel mixture deposited in the cylinder which causes this mixture to be compressed immediately rises to high temperatures, at this time are the ratio 1 to 10 tenths engine cylinder reduced to a compression.
When meeting the compressed mixture (hot) generate a spark plug (ignition system) which makes this mixture was immediately garment, ie, combustion, and then causes the piston drops abruptly.
During this time the exhaust valve opens and immediately the piston rises and releasing the gas resulting from combustion, after which the valve closes and the cycle begins again.
two-stroke engines: These engines are used mostly by motorbikes and their difference is that the mixture is air, gas and oil, the times of these engines are:
3. Other motor fuel
gas engines: these engines after gasoline and diesel engines are among the most widely used, currently being used enough because of the high costs of other fuels. Gas engines contain the same system as a gasoline engine but the explosion is
generated with more strength and power also decreases slightly, another difference is that the valves are constructed in sodium.

alcohol engines: in Colombia are very little used by which information is lacking, but it is said that alcohol acts as gasoline is to say that is a replacement and also looks for the economy.
Electric motors are used with rechargeable batteries is that your system is very similar to that of an electric car toy for children, with a rechargeable battery and electric motor.
External combustion engines:
These engines are now very little used, requiring manual work practically. These engines were used at the beginning of the century mainly on ships and locomotives, combustion was performed in a chamber with a kind of door which threw live coal to the fire burning constantly during his tour.
Inline engines:
In-line engines are those that its cylinders are located one behind the other, between these motors are for example: the engine of R-12, R-9, etc..
Engines with "v":
Motors in "v" are those in which the block is formed by two diagonals "v" between these motors are for example: Chevrolet c-10, c-30, b-60, etc..
Horizontal engines
Horizontal motors are their cylinders are located horizontally as the name implies to 180 ° between these engines are for example: wolks Vagen beetle.
Radial engines:
No radial engines so that the position of its cylinder form a star, these engines contain only

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