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tipos de motores electricos.25 Mar 12 - 15:59 Un motor eléctrico es una máquina eléctrica que transforma energía eléctrica en energía mecánica por medio de interacciones electromagnéticas. Algunos de los motores eléctricos son reversibles, pueden transformar energía mecánica en energía eléctrica funcionando como generadores. Los motores eléctricos de tracción usados en locomotoras realizan a menudo ambas tareas, si se los equipa con frenos regenerativos. Son ampliamente utilizados en instalaciones industriales, comerciales y particulares. Pueden funcionar conectados a una red de suministro eléctrico o a baterías. Así, en automóviles se están empezando a utilizar en vehículos híbridos para aprovechar las ventajas de ambos. Asíncrono o de inducción Los motores asíncronos o de inducción son aquellos motores eléctricos en los que el rotor nunca llega a girar en la misma frecuencia con la que lo hace el campo magnético del estator. Cuanto mayor es el par motor mayor es esta diferencia de frecuencias.
Jaula de ardilla
Artículo principal: Jaula de ardilla. La mayoría de los motores trifásicos tienen una carga equilibrada, es decir, consumen lo mismo en las tres fases, ya estén conectados en estrella o en triángulo. Las tensiones en cada fase en este caso son iguales al resultado de dividir la tensión de línea por raíz de tres. Por ejemplo, si la tensión de línea es 380 V, entonces la tensión de cada fase es 220 V.
Véase también: Sistema trifásico
Monofásicos An electric motor is an electric machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy through electromagnetic interactions. Some electric motors are reversible, can transform mechanical energy into electrical energy to operate as generators. The traction motors used on locomotives often perform both tasks, if they are equipped with regenerative braking. They are widely used in industrial, commercial and private individuals. They can operate connected to a mains supply or battery. Thus, automakers are beginning to use hybrid vehicles to take advantage of both. Asynchronous or induction Induction motors or induction motors are those in which the rotor is never rotated in the same frequency as does the stator magnetic field. The higher the torque the higher this frequency difference. Squirrel cage A squirrel cage rotor is rotating the commonly used in an induction motor of alternating current. An electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor is also called "squirrel cage motor." Installed in shape is a cylinder mounted on a shaft. Internally contains longitudinal busbars aluminum or copper with grooves and connected together at both ends by shorting rings forming the cage. The name derives from the similarity between the cage bars and rings and a hamster wheel (wheels are probably similar for domestic squirrels) Main article: squirrel cage. Single Phase • Starter resistance. Two coils has a boot and a work coil. • Starter with condenser. It has an electrolytic capacitor in series with the ignition coil which provides more strength at the time of travel and can be placed another in parallel which improves the engine allowing the ballast to deliver full power. • Engine running. • Dual Motor capacitor. • Motor pole shaded-pole or shade. Three Phase • Induction Motor. A three-phase Most AC motors have a balanced load, ie, consume the same in all three phases, and are connected in star or delta. The voltages at each phase in this case are equal to the result of dividing the line voltage by the root of three. For example, if line voltage is 380 V, then the voltage of each phase is 220 V. See also: phase system Rotor Winding The rotor winding or windings, as the name implies, has coils that are connected to slip rings positioned on the shaft, by means of a brushless rotor is connected to a resistance that can vary up to the rotor in short circuit like the squirrel cage axis. Single Phase • Universal motor • Induction Motor • Split-Phase Motor • Reluctance Motor by • shaded pole motor Phase • wound rotor motor. • Asynchronous • Synchronous Motor Synchronous In this type of engine and under normal conditions, the rotor rotates at the same speed than does the stator magnetic field. |
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